August 30, 2013

Shape and Space -Mathematics

Let's hear the shapes song before we learn more! Make sure you hear it until the end because I love the ending!

Two-dimensional shapes (2D Shapes):

Three-dimensional shapes (3D Shapes):

Sometimes, there are questions that involve us to name the
names of 3-D Shapes. I would advise you to remember the

How to calculate the perimeter of a shape. Example:

Perimeter Rectangle= (5cm+5cm+12cm+12cm) Two lines have same length
                              = (10cm+24cm) ----> 34cm

Perimeter Square= (5cm+5cm+5cm+5cm) All of the sides are of the same length
                         = 20cm

Perimeter Triangle = (5cm+7cm+6cm) According to the type of triangle
                             = (12cm+6cm) ---> 18 cm


Area of a square: length x breadth (a x a)
Area of rectangle:length x breadth (a x b)
Area of a triangle: length x breadth, then divide by 2


Volume Square: length x breadth x height (a x a x a)
Volume rectangle: length x breadth x height (a x b x c)

Interesting facts!

I have been reading some very interesting books that contain fascinating facts. I felt that it would be great to share it with all of my delightful readers..

  • Spider silk, by weight, is stronger than steel!
  • Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. (I guess ice-creams are not ideal for crocodiles!)
  • A polar bear's fur is not white, but translucent
  • Honeybees kill more people than venomous snakes do. (The cute honeybees kill us people more than snakes! Frightening!)
  • Jupiter is bigger than all the other planets in our system combined. (Wow, that's big!)
  • Donald Duck (From Mickey Mouse) comics were once banned in Finland because Donald does not wear pants. (Ha, ha, ha! My stomach aches from non-stop laughing!)
  • Karate originated in India, but was developed further in China.
  • Sound travels through water three times faster than through air. 

Some thing funny that has to do with the last fact:

Person: Look! There's a chicken crossing the road! There's a truck coming! What's he trying to do? Get to the other side?
Chicken: Yeah, yeah! I've heard that 'Why did the chicken cross the road?' jokes, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
(This situation shows why 90% of extinct species are birds!)

Also, if you are still bored and want to know more facts, watch this amazing video:

August 28, 2013

Investigating Living Things -Animals

Living things interact with one another in the environment. An animal interacts with plants and other animals.
Two common forms of interaction among animals:

  • Competition
  • Cooperation among animals
There are animals which live alone or live in groups. The animals that live alone are also known as 'Solitary animals'. 

There are reasons why animals live in groups or solitary. 
-Why animals live alone:
  • To avoid competition for food, space and more things.
  • -To move around quietly without attracting any attention. With no noise which attracts their prey, their prey would not notice its enemie.
-Why animals live in groups:

  • To have cooperation with each other for protection.
  • For protection. 
  • For food. They can work together to look for food.

My pages

Just in case all of you readers do not notice, I will tell you it. Some people don't really notice the tabs which are situated under the blog title. At the moment, there are three tabs:- Home, English and Bahasa Melayu. Please feel free to look at the English and Bahasa Melayu pages.

From your blogger,

August 27, 2013

Microorganisms related to food

Microorganisms related to food:

Bacteria in Yogurt
Yogurt is made by boiling milk and adding special bacteria on it. Then, it is kept warm for several hours. The reason why it is kept warm for several hours is so that the bacteria multiplies and turns the sugar in the milk into acid. The acid makes the milk go thick and also stops the breeding of bacteria. Interesting, right? I had just know this and was very fascinated with this yogurt-making process so I wanted to tell all of you, my readers, about it. Did you know? The bacteria in the yogurt is good for our digestive system!

Yeast in Bread
A microorganism that is already well-known as is used in many bakeries called 'yeast' is added to the dough to help the bread rise. The yeast turns the sugar in the dough into carbon-dioxide. As the dough is heated, the bubbles carbon-dioxide get bigger and then the bread rises. I know that yeast helps to make the dough rise before, but I have never known why and how it rises! Very interesting!

Uncooked food
Uncooked food (especially meat) sometimes contain bacteria that is called, 'Salmonella'. Salmonella is not good for us, but usually, this bacteria will be killed after being cooked. If you eat food that has not cooked properly, the 'Salmonella' may survive and cause your gut to multiply and make you very ill if you eat it. Better be careful! Always take care of your health so that you can keep on reading my posts on this blog. :)

Machines (Continued)

More information about Machines:

Complex machines:

Bicycle - Consists of three simple machines: Lever, Gear, Wheel & axle
Scissors - Consists of two simple machines: Lever and Wedge
Hand Drill -  Screw, Wedge, Wheel & axle

Machines -Science

1. Machines are tools that help us do work faster and easier. For example:

a)  help us carry heavy things
b)  wash our clothes
c)  travel faster from one place to another

With these machines in our life, our time and energy is saved. We use many machines in our daily life. Examples:

August 26, 2013

Eclipse -Year 6 Topic

An eclipse occurs due to the rotation of the moon around the sun. The Moon is a cold and rocky planet  which is around 2,160 miles  in diameter. It has no light of its own but it receives light from the sun.That is the reason why an eclipse occurs- because the earth blocks the moon from receiving the sunlight from the sun. As the moon moves around our planet Earth, it causes different phases of the moon to occur at different times: 

  • New Moon > New Crescent > First Quarter > Waxing Gibbous> Full Moon >
    Waning Gibbous > Last Quarter > Old Crescent > New Moon 

Mind map for 'Eclipse':

When an eclipse of the Moon occurs, the people who are are experiencing night time are the people who will see the eclipse. Not everyone in Earth can see it. 

Reading logs

Today, I want to share with you something that I had when I was in New Zealand. At school, we used 'Reading Logs'. A reading log is a book that we have to fill in with some information about a book that we have read. Each day, we are given a new book to read every night at home and we must get our parent/caregiver's signature to show as a proof that we did read the book given by our teacher. Using this method, it encourages kids to read more and make 'Reading a book every night' a habit. This is a example of how a reading log looks like and what we have to fill in:

I think this is not something hard to do every night, it actually is fun filling in the reading log. Only one book per night is not hard at all but it is a good habit to practice in life.

August 24, 2013

i-Think Maps

A few months ago, the i-Think Maps were introduced to us pupils. i-Think maps are not used by all of the schools in Malaysia,only some schools use it first. Later in the future, all of the schools will be using i-Think maps in school. i-Think maps are very useful for students in other countries, so that is why Malaysia is using them. To me, it is actually more easy because normally we have to make long notes for a subject. Now, using the i-Think maps, we have short and simple notes that are very useful. These i-Think maps also use less time than usual for making notes and it is easier to remember what we have learnt using the i-Think maps. I think that we are lucky to be one of the first schools to use the i-Think maps. I usually use these maps for writing my ideas for an essay.

Welcome to my blog!

I am a year six from SK Tanjong Malim who wants to share with you my life as a student who will face U.P.S.R. soon. Not many days left until the exam comes! The subjects I learn are: Malay (Comprehension), Malay (Writing), English, Science and last but not least, Mathematics. It may seem easy because there are only five papers to take, but there are a lot of things that I need to learn for these five subjects. Studying is an important part of succeeding in this exam.


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